Why should I have an ultrasound before aborting?

9 Jul 2020

Many of our patients ask us why we have to confirm the pregnancy by ultrasound.

It is essential to perform this ultrasound (we do it protocol) before any interruption. It is essential to verify the presence of the gestational sac in order to carry out an IVE either pharmacologically or surgically.

But what happens when the ultrasound does not show pregnancy?

In case of empty uterus

The doctor cannot confirm anything until the ultrasound is repeated, after one week normally. The most common is that it is a very early pregnancy or that it is a pregnancy that will not progress.

In these cases, a blood test called Beta HCG is also indicated. This test detects pregnancy from the first week and is 100% reliable.

When, after repeating the ultrasound after a week, the empty uterus is still visible, we could talk about:

Molar pregnancy

This kind of pregnancy can be quite dangerous since the fertilization of the ovule was done abnormally. The placenta grows nonstop, becoming cysts. The embryo does not get to form and if it does, it does not survive. For that reason it is so important that the pregnancy is supervised at all times.

Ectopic pregnancy

The fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus, which means that a complete pregnancy cannot occur, but it is important that the woman be hospitalized for surgery.

Keep in mind that the fact that you had an ectopic pregnancy does not mean that the next one will be the same, it is very likely that you can have completely normal pregnancies later.

Heterotopic pregnancy

They are very rare cases, in which an intrauterine pregnancy is combined with an extrauterine pregnancy.

To guarantee the best service to our patients, we always perform previous and post-interruption ultrasounds.
