When should you go to the gynecologist for the first time?

9 Jul 2020

When should you visit the gynecologist for the first time?

According to experts, the first visit to the gynecologist should be done either when you start having sex or when a problem related to the genital or mammary area is detected.

It may be the case that neither of these two scenarios occurs and the woman in question wants to go to the specialist for her own peace of mind. In this case, the gynecologist will assist you and the examination will be aimed at preventing future problems that may occur.


What to expect from the first visit?

Before starting the examination and tests, the specialist will ask you about your habits and behaviors that can be dangerous.

The first step taken during the first visit to the gynecologist is an exploration of the breasts and the genital area. The objective is to rule out possible malformations or aspects that can be seen with the naked eye.

Second, the exploration of the cervix and vagina is carried out. For this, a speculum that acts as a separator is introduced. Keep in mind that under normal conditions, it does not involve any pain.

Then a cytology is performed. With this test, a sample of the surface of the cervix is ​​collected to detect a possible cancer.

Finally, a transvaginal ultrasound is performed. With this we can collect all possible information about the uterus, ovaries and pelvis.

It is important to continue with the periodic controls for the early detection of problems that, if not treated in advanced, can lead to future complications.
