Read news, experiences of our patients and find out how you can help millions of people around the world access a safe abortion.
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Read news, experiences from our patients, and find out how you can help millions of people around the world access a safe abortion.
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In Spain, one in three women will have one or more abortions in their lives. By sharing our stories, women can feel supported by our choice and know that we are not alone.
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The law of Abortion in Europe
The practice of abortion, understood as the induction or voluntary termination of pregnancy, is subject to the legal system in force in each country, in which it can be collected as a right or in the most restrictive cases, as a punishable offense.
Why should I have an ultrasound before aborting?
Many of our patients ask us why we have to confirm the pregnancy by ultrasound.
What are the advantages of surgical abortion?
Aspiration or surgical abortion is the most used method to terminate a pregnancy in Spain.
Most women do not take the morning after pill after a risky relationship
There is still a lot of misinformation on this pill, which since 2015 can be freely acquired in pharmacies for around € 20.
What is simply a membrane that partially separates the vagina and has no apparent function, in many cultures has become a method of testing virginity.
When should you go to the gynecologist for the first time?
The first visit to the gynecologist can be a real trauma for a woman. It is normal, after all it is about exposing, surely one of the most intimate areas of the body to a strange person.
The Contraceptive Implant
A useful and very comfortable method that many women opt for is the contraceptive implant. Its effectiveness is greater than 99%.
Information on contraceptive methods
Nowadays there is a lot of information about contraceptive methods, but it has been proven that among young people there is a lack of adequate information that causes their incorrect use.
What is the Intrauterine Ball (BIU)?
The Intrauterine Ball (BIU) is the new contraceptive method without hormons, released a few months ago in Spain, which has revolutionized the world of contraceptive methods.
Vasectomy or male sterilization is considered one of the most effective (99% effective) and most reliable contraceptive methods.
Among the sexually transmitted diseases one of the most common is syphilis, according to the WHO, worldwide, 5.6 million people get this disease every year.
Vaginal rejuvenation
Over the years, like the whole body, the female intimate area also suffers. Births, in some cases, can be the cause of discomfort and discomfort.