There is a sexually transmitted disease that is responsible for 70% of cases of cervical cancer and can also cause cancer of the penis or throat. The Human Papilloma Virus
What is the Human Papilloma Virus?
The human papilloma virus, or HPV, is the most frequent sexually transmitted infection.
There are more than 200 types of HPV viruses and about 40 affect the genital area, mouth or throat. Several of them can cause genital warts or some types of cancer, for that reason it is important to understand the seriousness that implies its contagion.
How is HPV spread?
HPV is easily spread through sexual contact, whether vaginal, anal or oral, and even with simple skin-to-skin contact, without ejaculation or any type of penetration.
Human papilloma virus is the most common STD, but in most cases it is not a big problem and usually disappears by itself. It can be contracted by both men and women and transmitted without realizing it.
What are the symptoms of HPV?
Most cases of HPV infection show no symptoms, but some people can develop genital warts.
Periodic reviews are essential for its prevention. Pap smear or Pap test can help us detect abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix that, if left untreated, can turn into cancer.
How is the virus treated?
There is no treatment for the virus. However, if the result of your cytology is abnormal, you may need more tests and / or treatments such as:
– Colcoscopy: is a procedure with which you can detect if there are precancerous cells by looking more closely at the cervix.
-Cryotherapy: treatment to freeze and remove precancerous cells from the cervix.
-ELEP or procedure of electromedical excision of the loop: treatment to remove the precancerous cells by means of an electric current.
How to prevent HPV?
There is no cure for HPV, but it can be prevented. In addition to avoiding unprotected sex and promiscuity, there is also a vaccine against human papillomavirus, which can prevent high-risk HPV types and those that cause genital warts.
Periodically performing a gynecological exam and / or HPV testing is the best way to prevent cervical cancer in the case of high-risk types of HPV that can cause it.