For professionals

Together we can offer an excellent reproductive health service.

We work closely with family doctors and health professionals throughout Spain to ensure that women and men have access to high quality reproductive services.

We collaborate to provide high-quality reproductive health care

We have been providing social security-funded abortion care for over 30 years. Every year we support more than 5,000 patients who are referred to us. As a leading reproductive health organization, we will continue to evaluate and adapt the way we work with family doctors and health professionals like you to ensure the best possible working relationship.

Treatment options

Working in collaboration with Aragon Medical Center

To ensure high quality care for all women and men seeking reproductive services, we work together with family doctors and health professionals across the country.


Referring your patients to us is quick and easy.

Commissioning our services

The implementation of our services is a smooth process.

Clinical governance

Centro Médico Aragón is a registered healthcare organization and we are committed to providing the best services for our patients and SNS collaborators.

We’re proud to have implanted. And maintain a quality control system according to ISO normal. We’re certified.

Quality assurance

Our customers’ attention is at the heart of everything we do and we work closely with the Quality Commission and the Department of Health to make sure we are offering the highest quality service.
